Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bathed in the Light

I have not painted since the mural post. Life has over-run art. Not good. So I credit my sister Linda for inspiring me again. "Bathed in the Light" challenged me in a couple of ways. I usually don't paint small, so that was a mental hurdle. I wanted to capture the feeling with limited strokes, in the impressionistic way, so no reworking knit picking was allowed. I am happy with how it came out and I am giving it to Linda as a birthday gift. Thanks to Linda for her inspiration by example, the best way to learn, as the image I hope, portrays.


Chelsea Sperry said...

I love that you have begun to create again! The world is blessed when you put your heart on the canvas.

Lisa said...

This is stunning, Kay, one of your best I think. The light, the looseness, the color palette...reminds me a bit of a Renoir painting I used to stand in front of at the Clark Institute, a Williamstown, MA private museum where I'd take kids on field trips. They have a superb Impressionist collection.

Larry said...
